Link to Evilena
If you want to link to me copy one of these banners to your server and link to
Send me email at to request a link on my website. Email me if you need a different sized image of me for your website, include the name of your site along with image dimensions and file size limits.
Example Link Html
Here are several examples of html code for linking to my site. When using banners you must modify the code so that "yoursite" refers to your website and "yourbannerfolder" refers to the location of my banner on your web server. If you need help just email me.
Text with Banner Code
<DIV align="center"><A HREF="" TITLE="Mistress Evilena-The Hypnotic Goddess" target="blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.yoursite/yourbannerfolder/goddessban35k.jpg" border=0 width=468 height=72 ALT="Mistress Evilena-The Hypnotic Goddess"><br>Mistress Evilena</a></DIV>
Banner Only Code
<A HREF="" TITLE="Mistress Evilena-The Hypnotic Goddess" target="blank"><IMG SRC="http://www.yoursite/yourbannerfolder/goddessban35k.jpg"
border=0 width=468 height=72 ALT="Mistress Evilena-The Hypnotic Goddess"></a>
Text Only Code
<A HREF="" TITLE="Mistress Evilena-The Hypnotic Goddess" target="blank">Mistress Evilena</a>
Mistress Evilena